Unblock IP address from server firewall

All our shared Linux hosting servers are protected by firewall. While the purpose of a firewall is to block intruders, sometimes due to accidental use by users, your own IP may get blocked inadvertently by the server firewall making you unable to access any of the services. At this point you may raise a support ticket as well as use your customer self service portal to unblock your IP address from the firewall. After you login to the portal, please access the Support menu and choose option Unblock IP Address. Please enter your public IP address and click the button to check and remove the block. The block will get removed as also you will be notified of the reason for the block. If the block cannot be removed then please raise a support ticket and we will look into the issue.

How to check your public IP address?

Open Google Chrome browser and search "What is my IP" and Google will report your public IP address.

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